Friday, January 9, 2015

The OIC has retained its accreditation with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). Every five years, the NAIC conducts a rigorous, in-depth review by an outside team of experts to ensure the OIC meets or exceeds nationwide financial solvency policies and standards in its regulatory oversight of insurance companies that do business in Washington state. It also allows insurance companies to expect consistent regulation in all accredited states.

The OIC’s most recent review resulted in no findings and a recommendation for full reaccreditation for another five years. The efforts of the OIC, led by Commissioner Kreidler, in fulfilling its mission in this area give assurance to Washington consumers that the companies they do business with are financially sound and fully complying with all required rules and regulations.

This OIC has maintained its NAIC reaccreditation for the past 15 years under Commissioner Kreidler. Our next review is in 2019.